Away out here they have a name for rain and wind and fire.
The rain is Tess, the fire's Joe and they call the wind Mariah.
Mariah blows the stars around and sets the clouds a-flyin'.
Mariah makes the mountains sound like folks was out there dyin'.
Mariah. (Mariah).
Mariah. (Mariah).
They call the wind Mariah.
Before I knew Mariah's name and heard her wail and whinin',
I had a gal and she had me and the sun was always shinin'.
But then one day I left my gal.
I left her far behind me
and now I'm lost, so gol' darn lost
not even God can find me.
Mariah. (Mariah).
Mariah. (Mariah).
They call the wind Mariah.
Out here they have a name for rain and wind and fire only.
When you're lost and all alone, there ain't no name for lonely.
And I'm a lost and lonely man without a star to guide me.
Mariah blow my love to me. I need my gal beside me.
Mariah. (Mariah.)
They call the wind Mariah.
Mariah. (Mariah.)
They call the wind Mariah.
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Categorías: Visiones al paso